Root Canal Treatment

Best Dentist – Terri Baarstad

When you experience symptoms such as severe tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, or swelling in the gums, your entire life can come to a halt. Toothaches, especially, can be unbearable for many regardless of your tolerance for pain. But did you know that a root canal can often save a tooth that is causing you discomfort? At SmileAlive Dentistry in Springfield, Eugene, we specialize in alleviating pain and preserving your natural smile with professional root canal treatment. 

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

Despite its intimidating reputation, a root canal treatment is a routine procedure that can provide immediate relief from pain and help preserve your natural smile. It is a dental procedure performed to save a tooth that has become infected or severely damaged. 

If left untreated, the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues and lead to severe pain, swelling, and even abscess formation. But removing the source of infection can help reduces the risk of more serious dental problems, besides helping you maintain proper chewing function.

Root Canal Treatment: Steps Involved in the Procedure

A root canal is typically completed in one or two appointments. Here is a simplified breakdown of how the process works at SmileAlive Dentistry:

  1. Diagnosis and X-rays: We will thoroughly examine your tooth and take x-rays to assess the extent of the infection.
  2. Local Anesthesia: We will ensure your comfort with local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth.
  3. Accessing the Pulp: A small opening will be created in the tooth to access the infected pulp.
  4. Removing the Infection: The infected pulp, nerves, and bacteria will carefully be removed.
  5. Cleaning and Shaping: The canals inside the tooth will be thoroughly cleaned and shaped to eliminate any remaining infection.
  6. Filling and Sealing: We will fill the cleaned canals with a special packing material to prevent future infection.
  7. Temporary or Permanent Crown: In some cases, a temporary or permanent dental implant crown might be needed to restore the tooth’s strength and functionality. Your dentist will help you understand your options before the procedure.   

How Much Does a Root Canal Treatment Cost?

The cost of a root canal can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Severity of the infection: More complex cases might require additional procedures, influencing the cost.
  • Placement of the tooth: Molars (back teeth) are typically more expensive to treat than front teeth.
  • X-rays and Anesthesia: These necessary steps might be factored into the overall cost.

On average, the cost of a root canal treatment in Springfield, Eugene ranges from $500 to $1500 per tooth. If you have dental insurance, it will often cover a significant portion of the cost. This typically includes the procedure itself, as well as any necessary x-rays and follow-up appointments. 

For patients without dental insurance coverage, the cost of a root canal treatment can seem daunting. However, many dental offices offer flexible payment options or financing plans to help make treatment more affordable. Make sure to contact your dentist to see if they offer payment plans for uninsured patients.

Does a Root Canal Treatment Have Side Effects?

Following a root canal, you might experience some mild discomfort or tenderness for a few days. This can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. More serious side effects are rare. The professionals at SmileAlive Dentistry will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to help minimize the risk of side effects and ensure a smooth recovery.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you are experiencing tooth pain, don’t wait! Contact SmileAlive Dentistry in Springfield, Eugene today to schedule a consultation. We offer you a comfortable environment and a team of experienced dentists dedicated to providing you with the best possible care. A root canal treatment can help save an infected or damaged tooth and restore your oral health and comfort. Let’s work together to restore your oral health and give you that pain-free smile back!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:- How long does a root canal take to heal?

Ans:- The healing time for a root canal varies but typically takes a few days to a few weeks. However, full recovery may take several months, depending on individual healing and the extent of the procedure.

Q:- What are the 3 stages of root canal treatment?

Ans:-The three stages of root canal treatment are cleaning and shaping the canal, disinfection and filling, and finally, restoration with a crown or filling to restore the tooth’s function

Q:- What’s the most painful part of a root canal?

Ans:- The most painful part of a root canal is typically the initial stage, where the infected or damaged tissue is removed. However, with modern anesthetics, patients often experience minimal discomfort throughout the procedure.

Q:- Do you need a crown after a root canal?

Ans:- Yes, a crown is typically needed after a root canal to protect and strengthen the treated tooth, as root canal treatment can weaken the tooth structure.